Internet Statement 2015-27


Greece government facing the challenge


Maria Weiß  May 20, 2015        

There may be different opinions about Greece and about the capabilities of the new government there to regulate the affairs of the country. But what currently is happening there in the infrastructural sector, and not just since yesterday, at present especially in hospitals, that's just not acceptable for the population, but this is expected of them, and not only today. You can currently read about unspeakable conditions in the New Yorck Times, the lack of very basic material such as cotton swabs, which relatives must first obtain from the pharmacy and the like, but not in German newspapers. For there are more important issues here, currently. At present Greece is not a big issue here. The unemployment rate of more than half of the young and well-educated people there is no longer of interest, particularly in this country. It's just always said stereotypically: "Greece has to pay its debts".

Well, the negotiations with the European and international capitalists and their institutions also are still running. Immediately the next (non-existent) billion payment by Greece to the IMF, ECB etc. is due, or is pending. How much more could anyone actually squeeze out of this country, if it is not taken away from the right ones? That's a No. The "right ones" in this country, they are themselves closely related "by blood and by marriage" with precisely those who want to pull out the billions there now "owed". There lies the real problem, and that needs to be tackled. This contradiction needs to be tackled. This will show what value the present government Tsipras/Varoufakis really has for the Greek people, or whether something else is rather needed, a real revolution from below.

The fate of a country, its progress or not, does not depend on the currency. And if it is just so that the Euro virtually has blackmailed and strangled some countries, especially the population of these countries, in the closest cooperation with the European and international capitalists, then it is precisely useless, then one has to go his own way. It is not the responsibility of the masses of the population in Greece, that all these debts exist, but that has something to do with the prevailing social structure, this structure has to be changed. But this prevailing structure, this ruling class in turn is related to the dominant structure in the world and therefore also to the IMF, the ECB, World Bank and other financial institutions which now are carrying out that pressure there, the question arises whether a solution is possible there, isolated in one country, if it ever will be possible to withstand, without revolution.

It is an undeniable fact that all restructuring measures as set out in other European countries, which have taken place as a result of the recent financial and banking crisis, were pushed to the detriment of the people concerned and had to be suffered by them and to be carried on their backs in particular. This is due to the same reason as in Greece now, but there have appeared forces in this country who do not want to admit that, and who rightly are trying to find another way. Whether this will be possible without bringing themselves into new dependencies is in question. That is a considerable difficulty that the current Greek Government is required to master. All European governments have a huge respect for this question, how it is to be answered, and in truth not only these, and we should not deprive them of the reason.


[Translation of the German original text.]