Internet Statement 2012-19


What does the election in Greece show, resp. the election results ?


Maria Weiß   June 18, 2012       

Basically, you can actually gain knowledge from it that there are just very restricted possibilities to come to real social change through participation in civil elections, ultimately it doesn't work without rebellion. There are too many and too easy possibilities for manipulation in such elections, so one must resume that no real fundamental changes could be achieved in this way alone, nor that this whole bourgeois system of exploitation, of speculation and of corruption could only slightly be broken. (Note) There wasn’t even one really revolutionary demand in terms of the state coming from the left alliance, not even that, but only that they don’t want to bow to the international dictate of rip-off. But this was already enough, and one can see through that that there will be no way without the readiness to fight independently and of course not without being ready for self-defence. You can’t do without that in this world, especially not in Europe. By bourgeois elections alone one cannot basically reach real revolutionary positions, you even cannot achieve something on the economic field or avoid to bend before the international capitalists. The demands of the Syriza alliance did not even principally exceed the framework of the capitalist rule, neither in Greece, nor in Europe. But this was just enough, was even too much. The contradiction is already so aggravated that this is already too much. At least it looks like that at present.

Be that as it may, then the contradiction will further aggravate and this will not be restricted to Greece.

If the ruling clique believes that it has first of all won silence and time by that, this will be an error. It will not be sufficient to kick away the unpleasant sector, as some forces in our country are demanding even after this election result. The same aggravation is coming up in Spain, the aggravation is coming up in Italy, and in France and at least also in Germany it will be the same. They must not really believe that they can save their rule in such a cheap and shabby way and get off the hook with the military potential of their super power in their back (which not at least is driven and threatened by the same inner contradictions).

On the other hand it shows that the organisation of the progressive and revolutionary forces in the whole society is greatly in deficit. If you look at Greece how the communist party fails in the whole matter, then you see: they have participated in the elections and not gained many votes (it was said 4,5 %), that is no surprise. As far as it is known here they refused to any tactical alliance with other forces of opposition. The question is how this could bring about a success on the long run. What are they waiting for there? For an aggravation in their favour or, better said, in a revolutionary sense? Therefor a respective material basis would be necessary, respective material forces, a proletariat that at least comes to the fore numerically (or at least a peasantry), this means social forces that are really able to carry and drive forward such a tactic and push it through. But that is something that is largely absent in Greece today, and not only in Greece, but there, of course, it is missing particularly at present. And that is why, in our opinion, one cannot get round with a tactic as it was practised by the KKE up to now.

So, as a consequence of this present election result, also the revolutionary debate and criticism concerning such fundamental questions should be intensified within the movement as well as on the international level.


This percentage was in the counting of votes a near-stalemate between SYRIZA and Nea-Democratia, in the first Syriza had the most votes about 30), at the end, however, Nea Demokratia allegedly gained the upper hand (30 percent, Syriza only 27 percent ), and soon a huge sigh of relief flowed through the whole bourgeois world of media. The turnout incidentally was indicated by 62 percent, so the result overall is strongly set into perspective.